Toboggan is the fourth book in the nine-book Janitors Series. As in Dog Pound, the Janitors take a vacation, except for a cameo appearance, which is a continuation of the mission started in Dog Pound. There are some new characters in this book who either help the Janitors in later books, or become Janitors for one mission.
In this book, a charter plane headed for Las Vegas crashes in the Rocky Mountains. In short order it is determined that the crash was no accident. While that investigation goes forward, a young man and young woman, who met on the plane, get separated from the rest of those aboard and, being well below the rest of the plane, decide to head down the mountain. As they do so, two escaped criminals head up the same mountain, trying to avoid re-capture. Please see two short “Attaboys” below.
“Keep the books coming…another good read.” Sgt. Jacob Warden, USMC
“Each book in the series is better than the last one. Bravo!”
Gene Culver, USN 1952-1956
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