Bullets And Baseball is the sixth book of the Asps series, and the 15 Jim Scot book. As a possible matter of interest, this book is actually a re-write of a book to be released at a later date, which is titled Ancient Rookie. That book started out to be the sixth book of the Asps series, but along the way in writing it, your idiotic author fell in love with the characters in the substory, involving an old man who loses an arm in an auto accident and his arm is rebuilt with bionic elements. By the end of the book, it had become a sports fantasy novel, even though it did have action/adventure elements. This book, Bullets And Baseball, is an action/adventure novel, with sports-fantasy elements. If this is confusing to you, guess how it was for me. I hope you'll give both a try. One of the key elements of successful Military operations can often be a matter of trust between those conducting the operation. This even includes when forces of different nations work together--maybe especially then. If you have read other Asps series books, you know the Asps often work with British SIS and SAS, as they do in this book, with continued good results.