The medieval world of Neven is the last place 12-year-old twins Archer and Mimi Price wantto be. They'd rather shoot selfies in their 21st-century hometown of Marshton than arrows inNeven.Archer asks questions about their missing grandfather during a dinner with Mum and Nan.After 30 years, Nan still misses him. Or so it seems.Convinced that clues about Grandad's disappearance are in Nan's attic, Archer, theintellectual, talks Mimi, the sportsperson, into investigating. They find a magical cube, whichtransports them to Neven.Unwittingly, the twins uncover information revealing the true identity of the woman they'veknown all their lives as Nan. Mum could be involved in the cover-up, but she's not sayinganything. Dad left them and neglected to provide a forwarding address.Rocked by the lies of adults they trusted, the twins take action. If trust was an issue before, it's nothing compared to the deceit and betrayal that envelops them. Despotic King Francas ofNeven pulls the strings.The Books of Neven grant him his right to rule, but he needs The Bracelet of Akra, apowerful talisman that bonds the right people with its incredible power-the power of love.The twins' grandparents are the right people-the chosen rulers of Neven. But they need theBracelet, which Francas is close to finding. After deciphering the riddles in the Books, he'llconvert the Bracelet's power to evil. Complete domination of Neven is next in his playbook, followed closely by the conquering of Marshton.The twins undertake to locate and reunite their grandparents. But their real grandmother is not a lady you'd spend an afternoon with nibbling scones andsipping tea. She's a fierce warrior named Grak.As their plans get underway, the twins are separated. Each has to adopt the skills of the otherto get back on track.A confrontation with the fake Nan looms, but not before she kidnaps Mum, who's aninnocent bystander. Fake Nan hands Mum over to the king. An action that forces the twins toconnect with Grak.With a band of collaborators, which includes Toby, a street-smart Neven kid whose specialtyis collecting dog poo, the twins resolve to undertake search and rescue missions. Rescuemum, search for Grandad.As the stakes rise, the twins rely more and more on their power of love to help put thingsright.Their exploits continue in Book 2, The Bracelet of Akra, and Book 3, The Battle for Neven.Set in a dangerous medieval world, the series focuses on dealing with people problems, thestrength of family, resilience, and friendship. It is aimed at readers aged 9-12.