Blessed With Poetry was birthed while I was studying the bible. I wanted to break down the scripture or sermons that I would hear to the simplest form. Due to my line of work, this led me to know that we live in a world where so many people have never stepped inside of a church. I was raised with a single mom, where we didn't have a choice, but to attend church, bible study and Sunday school. Being raised in New Shiloh Baptist Church in Baltimore, MD. Over the years, while listening to Pastor Carter Sr., I learned to simplify scriptures and sermons so I could understand. I learned that studying the bible my way and putting it into poetry rhyming form taught me to not only remember, but to understand what I was reading. I hope and pray this book teaches you something about every scripture. While reading this book, you will get the same scripture as the bible, but with a different perspective and lesson. Be Blessed with Poetry.