Winter, 1433 -- and Joan d'Arc's ashes still glow with unsettled embers...
In a land where the battle between Good and Evil is always near, the Black Knight's silver sword fells enemies with silent grace. The Knight has sworn that fallen angel Lucifer de Morte and his cruel brotherhood will pay for the reign of terror wrought upon France -- and upon the d'Ange family where nearly all had died a terrible death. All but one...
Yet the Knight's hard-won battles and dented armor hide a larger secret. For "he" is actually Seraphim d'Ange. She is traveling to de Morte's demesnes, executing his demon henchmen along the way. Now, aided by Baldwin, a family retainer, and San Juste, a mysterious stranger who knows far too much about the puissance of both heaven and hell, Sera grows closer and closer to her final target.
Yet little does she know that there is at least one more aspect of power she herself holds....