At the crossroads that lead to the end of childhood, Nana faces the hectic passage of her adolescence and the new responsibilities that fall on her shoulders when her grandmother Josephine approaches death. To calm the storm, Nana continues reading the stories of Josaphat-the-Violin: following three of Josaphat's fantastic tales, revelations whose full scope in her own existence she cannot measure yet await her. In parallel, Nana's rebellious mother Maria, back in Montreal, languishes, torn between her desire to gather her young family around her and the deep uncertainty she has of being able to take care of them properly. Always in search of what's “best” and what's “elsewhere,” will she seize the “opportunity” of which the Americans speak, “which only hits the door of life once”?
However, the most difficult passage is that of time, inexorable, which literally breaks everything in its path: the feelings and souls it binds and unbinds sometimes for the better, and too often for the worse.