In this sequel to Final Solution, the Alastor, a cabal sworn to re-establish the old republic, is in trouble. The oppressive Council, masters of the tyrannical New Order, have cracked the rebel leadership and the insurgents are forced to accelerate their plan to topple the Dominion Empire, but they're not ready. Their forces are outnumbered a hundred fold. The freedom fighters have one chance, to exploit a gathering of Nabra-like sky disks discovered in the temple of a race slaughtered by the Council in the name of the common good. Within the strangely alluring emblems, a trail of crumbs lies buried across the tablets. Cryptic codes and symbols hint of supreme knowledge, clues that the subliminal whispers haunting all civilizations when they ponder the heavens, are waiting inside. The catch: only one human possesses the telekinetic ability to pierce the alien relics and stitch together the final cosmic truth.