Dark Ride is a collection of short fiction by one of the brightest writers in the genres of horror and dark fantasy. These stories range from the horrific to the
surreal, and prove Michael Laimo to be a compelling stylist and
relentless storyteller. None have been collected previously and some
are original to this volume.
It features an introduction by Brian Keene.
"Summer Fling" is not just another monster tale, and wraps up with a
resolution that is as wicked as it is unexpected. In "The Rash," the
author re-examines a personal nightmare to create a universal tale
of biological terror -- illuminating that moment when we discover
something is going very wrong with our own bodies. Other tales which
explore this territory are "Contact Lenses" and "Scarred for Life."
Laimo uses his knowledge as a native New Yorker to summon up a
frightening and memorable subway ride in "End of the Line." Then he
switches gears in "Something in the Air" to examine a small town
visited by a very original kind of evil.
Other tales range from the playful, such as "Aftermath," to the
extreme, as in "The Exploitations of George Frederick Leighton," and
the oddly experimental "I Exude in Partials."
In addition, a new novelette, "The Startling Supplements to Brione
Heloise's Depictions" appears here for the first time. Written as an
homage to the work of H. P. Lovecraft, it reveals yet another aspect
of Laimo's admirable talent.