Based on actual events, this innovative series follows the Civil War chronologically, battle-by-battle, using a specific historic battlefield as a setting for each novel. On March 9, 1862, the navy warships USS Monitor and CSS Virginia (formerly the USS Merrimack) made history when they engaged in the first combat between ironclad ships at Virginia's Hampton Roads. This battle serves as the historical basis of The Ironclad Alibi.
U.S. Federal Agent Harrison Raines's latest mission is to investigate "The Monster--the Confederate Navy's first ironclad ship--in his old hometown of Richmond, Virginia. Through a chance encounter with his first love, Bella Mills, Harry learns that her husband is in charge of the ship's restoration. But when Bella is murdered, Harry's friend, ex-slave Caesar Augustus, is arrested for the crime. Now, Harry must find the real killer, rescue Caesar, and inform the Union about the new Confederate menace.