The year is 1940 and Becky Taylor, a young evacuee from London, arrives at Foxes' Oven, a gloomy house in the hamlet of Offham, some two miles from the town of Arundel. There she begins a new life with Agnes Clemmer and her family. During the summer months Becky discovers happiness, a sense of belonging and even love. But there are secrets in Foxes' Oven, and Becky also discovers, at first hand, passion, jealousy, betrayal and violence. The horrific events of those days are to haunt her for nearly half a century until, in her old age, hidden truths are revealed and Becky comes, at last, to confront the pain and ghosts of her childhood. Masterfully written, harrowing and powerful, Foxes' Oven is a beautiful and compelling vision of a world where the tensions of war and the destiny of star-crossed lovers are vividly depicted.