Poor girls.
Lydia is not used to working for her money. But having money? She's used to that -- and lots of it. Now that she's in La-La Land, Lydia will do whatever it takes to maintain the L.A. lifestyle she was born to enjoy. If she has to tell a few little lies to keep up, well, a Hollywood girl's gotta do what a Hollywood girl's gotta do, right?
Rich boys.
Being with Jonathan is playing with fuego. Everything about him spells trouble for Esme, from his trendy hybrid car to his expensive clothes to his so-called ex, Mackenzie. What's worse is that he seems to want to keep Esme a secret. Doesn't a guy who likes you want to show you off? Unless you're just being used.
Richer girls.
Anyone who's anyone will be at Fab, the exclusive party that wraps up L.A.'s fashion week. That's why Platinum -- neurotic music superstar and Kiley's new boss -- is desperate to snag an invite. Kiley has the unlikely power to make it happen ... or say goodbye to her California summer.
Slather on the sunblock and enter the world of The Nannies, where toddlers have stylists and a lost Sidekick can be the social kiss of death; cerulean blue swimming pools stretch to infinity and paparazzi camp out behind Starbucks; and a good nanny -- like a celebrity without Botox -- is hard to find.