Fear the reckoning of those you have wronged.
Notorious Hunter King Jake Barrett lives his life according to awarrior's creed. His forces are hard-pressed, outnumbered, andoutgunned. Malevolent gods threaten his six-year-old son. Indesperation, he extends his hand to his ancient friend and foe for help.
Valkyrie Victoria Storm follows the path Odin laid out, but eachstep carries the priestess farther from Freya's favor. She works tounify the werewolf tribes and forge an alliance with the hunters.Trouble brews on the home front. The dominant males in her pack are ateach other's throats. A killer in her territory is skinning wolves; theevidence points to one of Odin's worshipers.
Loki hides among mortal men, a shadow of his greater glory. Underthe command of the Necromancer, the Trickster's undead army grows evermore powerful. He counts the days until he collects on what he is owed,but he harbors more regret than satisfaction. His wolf children speakhis name with derision. Those he seeks to help recoil from him. Justice for the God of Lies means the end of all life. Loki's warnings fall ondeaf ears but he knows--
Fate shelters the ember that will spark the fire. Reckoning for the day when the world burns.
384 pages, 1st Edition. Urban Fantasy/ Norse & Viking Folklore
Standalone novel.