"Hey, Brynn!"
Did you get your invite to the reunion yet? I just opened mine. It's gonna be just like old times! Especially because Nat's having a big slumber party at her apartment afterward. I wonder if Chelsea will come? It's got to be hard for her with ... well, I just hope we can help cheer her up! Hey, maybe you could spend Friday night over here? What do you think? Later, Alex"
The girls from Camp Lakeview are psyched when they get invitations to the camp reunion -- in New York City!!! Everyone expects things to be just as fun as they were over the summer. And this is the perfect chance to give Chelsea a little moral support in person! But when they get together, nothing seems to go right. Bunk 3C was always the most fun when everyone got along, but can the girls fix everything before they have to leave one another again?