Forty-four years ago, a snow storm blew over Devil's Lake in the middle of August, and since then, strange things have been happening at the Misty Mountain Motel.
Now it looks like this is Syd's last assignment with
Revealed newspaper. He's had it with covering fake demon possessions and potatoes that may or may not look like Jesus. After years of investigating the paranormal, he's seen the sordid side of humanity and wants out. To make matters worse, this last assignment is a collaboration with some YouTube guy, and everyone knows Syd doesn't work well with others.
YouTuber Rudi Laurier has read every story ever written by
the Syd Fost and is looking forward to this three day gig in the Laurentians. Location: The soon to be demolished and supposedly haunted Misty Mountain Motel. This is his chance to work with a real investigator. A sexy one, at that.
A new storm has been gathering over the Misty. There's no way out of the blizzard. Soon both men are trapped together in the empty motel. Trapped in with ... something.
Or is it their own secret fears playing with their minds?