Lacey LeBeau has been focused on family and managing The Salty Dog ever since Zach Channing walked out of her life ten years ago. Granted, he was a summer crush and they were barely out of school. She understood that he wanted to see the world as an outdoor photographer and she was a homebody, loving her small town, but she couldn't help but wait for him every time June rolled around, to not avail. Just when she had given up hope, he saunters back into her life to blow it all up again. Zach Channing loved Lacey but yearned to see the world and prove himself as a photographer. After a freak accident that shatters his leg and his career, he comes back to the one place that soothed his soul - Swan's Creek Maine. Only this time, he's coming back to take his uncle home to Boston after his uncle's heart attack, effectively closing the bar that Lacey loves and ending her dreams of ownership. Can Zach and Lacey find their love together and a new path forward to happiness?