This book is the prequel to the DND in Jesus' Name Series. This book is an allegory. It is about my coming to the awareness that not only does God exist, but Jesus Christ is the true Son of God, the One, the Messiah. He is real. They are real. Really real. I've had an angel appear to me, I've audibly heard the voice of God, I've had many supernatural confirmations,The road has been long and somewhat painful but I am grateful for every single inch of it. After having written eight full-length novels and six spiritual self-help type books, I thought I was done with writing. But God has spoken to me again, and because I want to do His will, I have finally come to rewrite this book and the others the way He has directed me.For years now the Lord has been whispering to me to pick up my computer, and do what I've been called to do. I kept putting it off. So many excuses. And then Covid came and took my beautiful loving husband...took him back to be with his Father. I too had Covid and was in a coma for almost three months. I didn't know my husband had passed. While I was in that coma, another angel came to visit me. A different one then the one mentioned above. The angel showed me many things, including what to do to heal, Once I woke up and began to heal, God put it on my heart that I now have no excuse. Get to work.Father, I ask for blessings and healing for each and every person who reads this book. I pray you will heal bodies, minds, emotions, relationships, circumstances, addictions. I ask Father, for anyone who reads these words, that You will answer their questions, and show them, as You have shown me, that You ARE real! I plead the blood of Jesus over all of these things, Father, and do so in the mighty and powerful name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen