EVERYTHING IS CONNECTEDThe fourth generation mutation is closing in as humanity experiments with their newfound telepathic abilities. But fate seems to be against them as the Grachelians mount an attack on Earth through the strange portal on Saturn known as The Hexagon and huge blue beasts from the Second Realm want to possess their minds.And as her father began to hum the wordless tune and stroke her jet-black hair, Dani soon fell into a light sleep, and there, in the dream realm, in front of a very old tower throwing lightning into the sky, was her Nanny Kachina, sitting down on a flowery green field, waiting for her.“You escaped too, Nanny,” Dani said happily as she skipped towards her.“Oh, yes, that was easy, little one.” Kachina grinned, adjusting her long purple robe. “I am impressed, Dani, that you realise that I am real and not just a memory of yours. But given who you are and what family you are from, I should not be that surprised.”“I just dreamt of the bad blue meanies.” Dani frowned.“Oh, them,” Kachina replied. “Don’t worry too much about them, little one, or you will fall into their trap. You see, they only have as much power as you allow them to have. Control your mind before you sleep, focus on the good in this world, for the blue meanies are only memories of dark events from the past.’“Daddy just sang me the song his mother used to sing to him,” Dani said, as she now sat down beside her. “Yes, I remember my own mother and father sang me a lullaby a long time ago,” Kachina said, as she cuddled the little girl close.“Did you like it?” Dani asked, as her eyes widened.“Very much so,” Kachina said, as a glass containing a clear liquid appeared in her hand.“Water,” Dani said, feeling a wave of peace enter her mind.“Yes, water is the bringer of life,” Kachina replied. “Water and sound.”“Sound?” Dani enquired.“Yes, sound, little one, which can lead to music.” “Music . . . ” Dani said, as if she was tasting the word itself.“Music brings people together, Dani. It always has,” Kachina now said softly, but with a very intent look.“Why is that, Nanny?” Dani asked sleepily.“It’s the powerful combination of focused minds and certain notes. When humans sing together in harmony, all barriers between them are broken,” Kachina said, smiling kindly, and then she began singing to Dani a simple lullaby with only eight notes, and as she did, the flowers at her feet began to grow.“Remember my parents’ tune, little one, remember it for the final days to come,” Kachina said, then took a drink of water just before Dani slipped into a deep and peaceful sleep.