“LAW? There ain't no law in the town except ME!”
In a land of cattle thieves Alec Shodress could make that boast. He ran the biggest store, the biggest hotel and the biggest saloon in town. And if anyone tried to argue, Shodress just whistled for a pack of hired mavericks. He raked in the cash while his gunmen did the killing.
But Single Jack Deems was a man who didn't scare easy. No one seemed quite certain why Single Jack had sworn to put a bullet in Shodress' brain. Some said it had to do with a wild, man-killing wolf dog named Comanche -- a dog which had saved Jack Deems' life. Others whispered it was because of beautiful, red-lipped Hester Grange. Was she playing a double game? But two things were sure: Shodress had bragged once too often, and Single Jack was bringing a different kind of justice to a gun-troubled town!