In the mysterious, steamy jungles of Nepal, a ghost-a devil-a murkatta awaits greedy men seeking to slay tigers and sell their body parts. The demon originates not from the depths of hell, but from the United States. This delusional, forlorn creature has vowed to protect the endangered Bengal tiger from anyone or anything, including vile poachers, brutal bounty hunters, and complicit foreign governments. But with each viscous, deadly encounter, Tony Campasi, a former clothing store manager and family man, loses a bit of himself and his sanity. He wonders if he still has enough fight and clarity to fend off the tigers' greatest threat. Will the totality of inhuman acts render him unable to defend a despondent promise he made after a tragic, life-shattering event? This novel shares an East versus West tale as divergent cultures collide amid politics, fury and fire, and the fate of the wild tiger dangles in the balance.