In their hearts, every parent wants a perfect child. What if modern technology allowed you to eliminate the pain, danger, and discomfort of pregnancy and labor while allowing you the unprecedented blessing of creating your dream child with the special qualities and genetics of your choosing in a germ free environment inside a transparent growth pod under ideal gestation conditions in a temperature controlled infection free womb with a view? By combining the latest advances in genetics and computer technology in a seamless combination of A.I. controlled perfection every detail of your gestating bubble of love would be wirelessly controlled, recorded, and monitored twenty four hours a day through cell phones and tablet computers. A hybrid bioengineered umbilical cord designed to provide oxygen and nutrition to your bundle of love floating in pharmaceutically pure amniotic fluid would continually refresh your developing child with precisely tailored hormones, antibodies, and growth factors while its waste products are efficiently removed through a microfiltered bioreactor that enzymatically converts it back into a sustainable supply of fresh nutrients. Built in stereophonic speakers ensure that your loved one gets the best possible brain stimulation delivered with binaural beats and direct cranial stimulation including an ongoing transmission of your heartbeat that your little one can bond to. As baby grows and develops options are available for any music of your choice as well as your own soothing voice piped in to enhance that precious bond. What could happen when your technologically enhanced dream child becomes humanity's first genetically perfect human who evolves into something unexpected with mystifying abilities that exceed anything you could ever have imagined?PREPUBLICATION REVIEWSSpellbinding and CaptivatingHummingbird Whisperer is a riveting, thought provoking novel by this wonderful author. After hearing the audio book I now can't wait for it to come out in print so I can have a physical copy for my library. It was thought provoking, and very emotional. I find myself thirsting for more. I hope there will be sequel. - L. Kedenburg - Amazon Reviewer I love this book. I always wondered, and even wished that this type of technology would be around in the future. It is such a cool look at what could be in the somewhat near future. This book was well written, and it kept me engaged throughout the whole book. - NetGalley Reviewer I was thoroughly engrossed in this book due to how well it was written. The plot was intriguing, characters were great, and the writing was clear. I definitely want to read more by this author! - Heather S, Reviewer This was a strong concept in the scifi genre, I thought it was a great idea about making a dream baby. The plot worked well overall and was engaged with what was going on. The characters were everything that I was looking for and enjoyed how well they worked in this universe. Matthew Pallamary was able to write a strong story and was glad I got to read this. - Kathryn M, Reviewer One of my top reads of the year. 5 stars across the board. Thought provoking and a true conversational book. Will absolutely be adding this to my next group read with other bibliophiles!!! Enjoyed enjoyed enjoyed. - Hoki H, Reviewer.