"John never finished his book on whales. I never made it to Seattle. While there isn't any limit on the number of dreams you can have, apparently you only get to have so many come true." Berry Hatchett is having an ordinary day until John Blake boards her flight. She has settled into middle age, accepting her current career as a flight attendant and her multiple failures at lasting relationships as an okay way to live; not perfect, but okay. Seeing John brings back memories of her younger self, when she worshiped John and his wife and believed their perfect lifestyle was achievable. John Blake is a few years older, a great deal wiser and a lot more lost. He started out as just another guitar-playing teenager who wanted to be famous in a drugs, sex and almost rock and roll kind of way. All of his dreams came true. He found Chris Story, a beautiful Native American singer. He found paradise on an island off the coast of Washington. He had the money and the time to sail, to fly his own plane and to create an organization to save the whales. That was the twenty years ago. 1995 is different. Their flight together brings a beginning to yet another chapter in both their lives. For one it will hold the answer. For the other, the sorrow of unresolved questions.