Amidst the beasts of darkness!
It was a quiet town, and that's what Hallie needed. She had to forget the horror of her husband's death, had to learn to live again. Teaching school in Haggard's Cove was the perfect way to begin.
But Hallie couldn't have been more wrong.
Beneath the flawless propriety of the Cove there ran a vein of evil more heinous than any nightmare could summon...evil that touched Hallie the day she arrived and slowly began to possess her...evil that mounted to a tidal wave of terror from which there was no human chance of escape...
Black Holocaust
Hallie woke in complete darkness, her nerves alert. Cold was the first sensation, a deadlier cold than she had experienced before. Cold, that reached deep inside her and froze there.
She turned blindly toward Cade's room, too frightened to call him.
He spoke as she entered, saying quietly: “I know. I know. It will pass. Come here beside me.”
Half relief, half fresh terror engulfed her. She crawled in beside him, feeling no warmth from his body. The cold had reached everything.
“Oh God,” she whispered back. “What is it? What is it?”
He slipped his arm beneath her head. “Don't let it get to you,” he whispered back. “Resist it. You must resist it…”