Beyond The Box is a fictious story The story is written as a paradox. Statements within the story are made to shed a little light on the errant and confusing behavior of many in present day society.
The main character, Jed (Myis) Turner is a man on a mission. In order to complete it he must first live his life as someone else. His physical person has been altered to look and act exactly like the man he pretends to be. Everyone has heard the statement outside the box. Myiss thinking is beyond the box. The box being that which is normal.
The story has a fluctuating viewpoint between the narrator and the characters. The narrator sees the characters as he remembers them. The characters see themselves as altruistic, and liberators of inferior beings.
Good and bad things happen when these people become desperate to be socially acceptable and accepted. Those in the limelight, especially politicians who compete for favor, seek to please and appease unhealthy lusts. Unwittingly, they open the door for a barrage of unsolicited emotions causing reactions that are often iniquitous.
A paradox is further displayed when Myis falls in love with a woman(Naomi) who represents all he hates.
On the other hand, he rejects the woman(Margrielle) who represents the things he loves.
He is supposed to create a perfect world of peace and contentment. Instead, he creates one of violence, lust and selfishness. He wants to father a child who will father a perfect nation. He succeeds in creating one that destroys him
The story begins at the end.