Hippolyta, the widowed Countess of Trevalyen, couldn't understand why society persisted in labelling her a witch. True, she was constantly discovering new and exciting herbs in her well-tended garden, and casting spells was as natural to her as breathing. But Hippolyta considered herself a rational person, her powers a heavensent gift. Even more difficult to understand was her illogical, irresistible attraction to one Julian St. Ives. Was she, heaven forbid, bewitched? The dashing heir to a barony, Julian had come to Rookeshaven to study the art of ancient healing. But now, as a mischievous Cupid and a mysterious potion made lovers of the most unlikely people, Julian found himself losing his heart to a woman of wondrous grace and beauty. Was he a victim of passion's merry mix-up... or had he found true love at long last?