Judith Warren is a rich older woman, set in her ways but open to help people she loves.
When Moria the oldest finds her fiancé is being sent to Canada, Aunt Judith steps in and tells her to go with her man. Miss Warren is a cultured, classy, sweet lady who takes the three remaining children into her home until they are old enough to be on their own.
But instead of the typical down-trodden children coming to live with an evil rich aunt, it's the other way around. The children come into Miss Warren's home as if they are doing her a favor, and in general act like brats. Barbara, who is next to Moria in age, is disrespectful leaving without telling anyone where she is going and disrupting Miss Warren's life to the point that she fell down the stairs. Neighbors tell Miss Warren she is making a mistake in taking these ungrateful, spoiled kids into her home, but her love for Moira blinds her.