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"There Are No Words by Mary Calhoun Brown, is a heartwarming tale of trials and triumph, judgment and acceptance; one that challenged my beliefs and brightened my day. It's short, it's sweet, and it's worth far more recognition that it will probably get." "Jaxon's world is engaging from page one, the author's simple quiet style lending itself well to such a gentle, thoughtful read." "...Lines feel like an interpretation of love by a misunderstood twelve-year-old, and a frankly more honest one that you can find in most fiction." "...Love and tolerance are certainly abundant, but unlike most teen books in this niche, it is balanced with sorrow, anger and prejudice in real-life doses, which rescues it from sentimentality and gives it a whole new dimension of excellence." Reader Views "The most terrifying future is a future you cannot change. "There Are No Words" tells the story of a mute girl who finds herself with a voice, but sent back decades ago. With the knowledge of a train wreck that will kill one of her grandfather's friends, Jaxon MacKenzie finds herself in a time before said accident. But a twelve year old girl can't do much to stop a government train...can she? "There Are No Words" is a charming story of determination and friendship, highly recommended. " Midwest Book Review I found “There Are No Words” to be a very interesting, informative and easy read. Jaxon MacKenzie is an autistic twelve year old girl living in the modern world and yet this story seems firmly rooted in a past era. I attribute this “feel” to two separate but intertwined things. Jaxon lives with her grandparents who come from an older generation which encompasses a different set of values and she gets pulled into a painting that sends her back in time to July of 1918. “There Are No Words” is the story of Jaxon's life here as well as her adventure in the past. I definitely appreciated the historical facts which were used in the telling of this tale as it made the book very interesting to me. I also enjoyed the various photographs and pictures which were used throughout the book. They were an authentic touch and consequently they made the story that much more realistic. I am sure that the younger readers will greatly enjoy this aspect as well. It was also wonderful to read the book from Jaxon's perspective and to be present during her different stages. She starts out as an autistic child unable to really communicate with the world around her yet once she goes through the painting she suddenly finds she is able to interact with people in what we would consider a “normal” manner. How wonderful to finally have the ability to talk with people outside of her head! How amazing to have people treat her the same way they treat everyone else! I give high praise to the author, Mary Calhoun Brown, for being able to help me understand and experience life in a way that an autistic child might. How many times do we overlook or simplify what Autism is simply because we do not understand it or have never experienced its effects in our lives? How frustrating it must be to be that child. To have to wonder about life every day and yet never have any answers to your questions. Jaxon was truly blessed to live with someone as intuitive as her grandparents. “There Are No Words” is a charming and likeable story and I recommend it to readers of all ages. Charline Ratcliff for Rebecca's Reads As the host of The Coffee Klatch, a forum for special needs children I receive and read dozens of books every month. This book is the most inspiring, well written and captivating I have had the pleasure to read. Written for our children with a message of diversity acceptance, "There Are No Words" should be on every school's summer reading list. Exceptional! Marianne Russo The Coffee Klatch