Spider-Man faces the fight of his life when nightmare creature known as Venom targets both the web-slinger and his alter-ego, Peter Parker, for destruction!
The deadly alien symbiote and its human host, Eddie Brock, collectively known as Venom, harbor .a growing hatred for Spider-Man that violently explodes when Parker and Spider-Man are credited with helping clean up crime in the subways. But these tunnels are the domain of Venom, and the cleanup is his doing. The credit should rightly go to him!
Venom challenges Spider-Man to a deadly midnight showdown, at Manhattan's criminal-court building, in i the middle of the worst snowstorm of the century. It's 1 a brutal no-holds-barred contest, in which all the advantages seem to lie with Venom. Spider-Man must bag the crazed villain, or go down in the attempt!