Genre: Children's Adventure (An Unofficial Minecraft Book for Kids Ages 9 - 12 (Preteen) Their battle with the cunning Draven has brought Steve and Wendy to the town of Ende. There, a castle wizard named Vradne holds the population in thrall. But the once jovial wizard everybody loves becomes aloft and exhibits bizarre conduct. His odd behavior concerns some and angers others. Our young heroes believe that Vradne is not who he really is and he is using this town to advance his evil plans. Is Vradne helping Draven unleashed the soul eating dragon? Or is it possible that Vradne and Draven be the same person? Will Steve ever get the chance to rescue his brother, Herobrine? Find out in The Cult, Part Three. Author's Note: This short story is for your reading pleasure. The characters in this "Minecraft Adventure Series" such as Steve, Endermen or Herobrine...etc are based on the Minecraft Game coming from Minecraft ®/TM & © 2009-2013 Mojang / Notch