Star athlete Josh and computer prodigy Madison are recruited by the mysterious Mr. Crux to attend a special summer camp. The two elementary school kids then begin the adventure of a lifetime. They discover that the Small World Global Protection Agency is a network of talented and skilled children in countries all over the world. Their mission is to help other kids and save the day when adults can't. In Case File: 002, Bulls and Burglars, Josh and Madison are sent to Spain to investigate the world's most notorious cat burglar, La Pantera. There, they team up with Special Agents Devante and Drina, brother and sister twins, to investigate a seaside castle. Josh, Madison, Devante and Drina search the historic castle. There they find proof of La Pantera's hidden treasure. It is up to them to stop La Pantera and her mysterious boss. An undersea cave is the setting for this exciting conclusion. The Small World Global Protection Agency is an adventure serial aimed at third through fifth grade readers. Each volume will take Josh and Madison to a different country. The stories will be entertaining, sometimes suspenseful, sometimes humorous. Each story will introduce facts about other countries and cultures, educating the reader through the eyes of children their own age while having fun.