The Final Ascension of Jacob's LadderBook III in Ascending Jacob's Ladder Series The Final Ascension of Jacob's Ladder is the last book of this series. It encompasses the last and final section of dream interpretations given. It brings out how vital and essential it is to pay attention to the symbols of our dreamscapes. Dreams and visions are several ways we receive answers to our questions that we place before the Savior in faith, knowing that as we ask and seek, he will show us the answer to the questions we have regarding the gospel of Jesus Christ and life's problems and solutions. Through these final dreams and visions, we can see that we are upwardly taught. By being initiated with simple symbols of dreams into a complex system that aids us in understanding the Lord's mind. You will find as you read these last and final parables containing the many metaphors and anecdotes that will cause your mind to ponder on the final climactic visionary ending. These parables are meant for us to understand the complexities buried deep within the tropes presented before us. Never doubt the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord, for He will allow you to grow in degrees. You should be aware that we, mortals, can only learn line upon line, precept upon precept, which means that when we read one sentence, the meaning immediately becomes clear to us. We are then given another sentence, and the cycle goes on. As we follow this process, that single paragraph becomes clearer to us.This process then allows us to understand paragraph after paragraph; we can then move upward and onward until we understand the entire book. During these times, we learn the same way as our Savior, which is grace upon grace. However, remember that for us mortals, learning a single grace can take an entire lifetime to discover. Never be discouraged by someone who learns faster. This does not mean that they have been given more talents than you, it means that each of our abilities are different; and each of those capabilities are intended to be discovered on our own. Enjoy each of the parables for the there is great truth within them. And remember that the last one is unforgettable in nature and wisdom. Everyone on earth has a full and attended purpose, pay heed to the spirit of prayer and fasting and you will discover yours.