In this third installment in the continuing adventures of fourth-grade Earthling Akiko, she and her extraterrestrial crew are nearing the end of their mission to save kidnapped Prince Froptoppit from Alia Rellapor. Nothing can stop this band of intrepid rescuers. Or can it? Akiko, Mr. Beeba, Spuclder Boach, Gax, and Poog have faced many obstacles along the way, but now they are confronted by the biggest yet: the Great Wall of Trudd. Like the Great Wall of China, only bigger, this wall stretches across the landscape -- there's no way around it, under it, or through it, so Akiko and the gang will just have to find a way to go over it!
But the Great Wall is only one of the many strange and frightening obstacles in their path. What's a Smud Burger? And why would anyone build a Smudko's restaurant in the middle of a bridge? More importantly, who is Throck? Why does he want to stop them from reaching the castle? And what is the mysterious connec- tion between Throck and Poog? These are just some of the questions Akiko must answer if she'ermally to rescue Prince Froptoppit.