As the planet slowly becomes toxic to all forms of life, the world's great cities turn to dome technology, enclosing themselves in fields of energy and creating their own private ecospheres. But the price of survival is high, and for all who fail to obey the laws, punishment is expulsion Outside, where life is brutal and short. This is a world where Art and culture have been sacrificed and only two citadels of creativity remain. One is the dome town called Harmony, devoted to the perpetuation of the Arts and Artists. The other is Tuamatutetuamatu, a small, undomed island still thriving. Some say it has survived thanks to its native magic, others that it's a fluke of geography. But only when the Artists of an increasingly disharmonious Harmony meet the Tuatuan dance troupe known as the Eye will the truth be known -- a truth so revolutionary that it could be far more dangerous to the dome dwellers than the Outside....