GOODREADS: A triumph An ultimately joyous book about a woman saving the life of an orphaned, baby wild bird when all the odds were against it. My heart sang. Tears were shed. And I flat out fell in love with little Kiki just like Marja did. And when she had to let Kiki go, I was equally as devastated. But, soaring with joy at the end, life doesn't get any better than this. GOODREADS: Being an animal lover, this was the most heartfelt book I'd ever read. Crying and laughing are one thing. Your life getting changed by the experience is quite another. I'll never look at a wild bird quite the same way ever again. I'll love them as much as Marja does now. Kiki, an abandoned baby blackbird, is sure he's a majestic eagle. Though his bond with Marja, a loving bird whisperer, is strong, he refuses to see the harsh realities of befriending eagle predators. The time coming all too soon to be released into their fierce wilderness, Kiki must say goodbye to everything he cherishes most. To his dream of becoming a patriotic eagle. To the only home he's ever known. And to the adoptive mother he can't quite leave behind. His parting gift to Marja-a miracle witnessed long after it's too late for her to believe. KIKI AND THE BIRD WHISPERER is based on the true story of an impossible love between a wildlife rehabber and an abandoned nestling grackle. The baby bird's secret words revealed only in the book, each chapter comes to life in a free companion video at Uplifting and funny, KIKI, the humble baby blackbird with the big aspirations, is a touching experience not easily forgotten. But one with the happiest of endings.