GOODREADS: "Magnificently written. Totally romantic. The most beautiful vampire romance I'd ever read." GOODREADS: "Masterpiece of fine writing." Devastated after losing her mother, Rose Heart's life was pretty much over in the godforsaken tundra of West Lake, Minnesota. But when she's caught red-handed by her coach father with Chaz Calloway, a mysterious quarterback from the rival team, love's never been more dangerous. Their world falling apart, there's a murder at sudden death overtime. A vow of undying love on a rose. And a secret that will surely get them both killed. But can Rose really make the ultimate sacrifice and give a vampire her blood? With heart pounding passion, the Hypnotic series perfectly captures the deadly struggle between rebelling against the rules and fighting for forbidden love. For readers 12 and up, Hypnotic is a young adult paranormal romance with mild language and mild sexual situations. Marja was nominated for the Pushcart Prize in long fiction.