Mrs. Millionaire is a series of fictional stories with heartwarming endings. Each story revolves around an unfortunate individual or family who crosses paths with Tilly. She helps them out of financial problems or situations and gives them a new lease on life. Mrs. Millionaire is a symbol of hope, generosity, and kindness. This book emphasizes the notion that everyone deserves a second chance. Lesley is the single mother of five-year-old Haley. Her boyfriend, Stanley, disappeared from her life after her baby was born. They evict her from their apartment after she returns from the hospital. Lesley makes amends with her mother and returns home. She gets a job at a local gas station. Lesley works hard to provide for her daughter and make ends meet. Her life seems to have improved, and she feels hopeful. When Lesley's mother marries Jacob, a man ten years younger, Lesley's life crumbles. Her relationship with him is strained, and they fight constantly at home. After Lesley's mother chose her husband over them, she and her daughter moved out. Will Lesley and her mother mend their relationship and live together again? Or will Lesley's mother remain distant and unwilling to reconcile? What chance did Lesley and her daughter have of surviving?