The tempestuous story of the indomitable Bouchard family -- divided by the Civil War, united by their proud and lusty heritage...
As the South recovers from the devastating clash of the War Between the States, as the American Indians scatter over the prairie, as the railroads forge a path Westward, Luke Bouchard continues to honor and uphold his grandfather's legacy. That legacy is Windhaven, created out of the strength of the patriarch's ambition and the power of his soul. It is the heartaches and the passions, the bloodshed and the tears of the generations that followed him...
Luke Bouchard has at last returned to Windhaven Plantation. Joined by his beautiful wife, Laure, and their two children, the family discovers the unparalleled joys of domestic bliss. But a dark cloud hovers over Windhaven when a fortune teller predicts danger for someone Luke loves...
That danger is Henri Cournier, vindictive and sadistic, who blames Luke Bouchard for his brother's death. His revenge takes a particularly cruel and ugly twist, as he plots the rape of Laure and the kidnapping of their child, little Lucien...