"It has a terrific message about the importance of family and how to care for those you love. An excellent and timeless selection for all picture book shelves." -- School Library Journal, STARRED ReviewOtto the squirrel is perfectly content living by himself in his treehouse in the forest, when a small creature arrives on his doorstep. Otto invites the curious little Pio in, but soon Pio eats all the hazelnuts, takes up the entire bed, and just gets bigger and bigger! Frustrated at first, Otto comes to realize that his home is much happier with his new friend.
Award-winning author and illustrator Marianne Dubuc has written a heart-warming tale about finding friendship and family when it is expected least and needed most.
"This tender look at the value of taking care of each other quietly considers the meaning of home and family." -- The Horn Book MagazineRead our other award-winning books by Marianne Dubuc:
- Up the Mountain Path
- The Fish and the Cat