At a meeting of that venerable organization of mice, the Prisoners' Aid Society, it is decided that the most important item on the autumn program is the rescue of a Norwegian poet from the dungeon of the Black Castle. The first step, the society agrees, is to find a linguist who knows not only the universal mouse language but Norwegian as well. The fabulous Miss Bianca is the obvious choice to secure such a mouse, living as she does at the Embassy and being free to travel in the Diplomatic Bag.
Miss Bianca then secures the services of Nils, a stalwart Norwegian seafaring mouse, and her part of the mission is over. But though her high breeding and luxurious life style have made her somewhat timid, she cannot resist joining Nils and Bernard, the brave and love-smitten pantry mouse, on their adventure to the Black Castle. There they encounter Mamelouk, the vulgar, fiendish prison cat, who almost brings their rescue efforts to an abrupt, grisly halt.