To my readers, fans, and Star Trekkers everywhere...
Dear Friends,
For years, the characters in this book have lived within my mind and heari and imagination. Now, at last, they come to life within these pages. In Saturn's Child, I have created with loving care heroes, heroines, villains, and their familiars, Star Seekers all. This is an action-packed adventure that I trust you will agree is in keeping with the best tradition and high nobility of Gene Roddenberry's philosophy and legacy.
Not since Uhura and the crew of the Starship Enterprise have I felt so strongly about a cast of characters. When you meet Nyota and Tetrok and Krecis as they battle the ambitious Valton and Nebulaesa, I hope you too will lose your hearts in the adventures of the lovely Saturna, our very own Saturn's Child.
Live long and prosper,
Michelle N. Nichols