Here is your chance to discover the amazing, channeled story of lovers separated by a gulf so vast it defies imagination, yet they persevere and succeed. Read their story in
The Jupiter Experiment by Margaret and Maurine Moon.
The Moon sisters channeled this book from a person who calls himself "Addison" and who claims to have lived in nineteenth-century New England, during the same period as Emerson and Thoreau. At first the sisters used a Ouija board to communicate with Addison, but he hated its clumsiness. Then they used Kenneth Wilcoxon's invention of the "Psi-writer," which hooks the Ouija board to an electric typewriter, giving Addison all the freedom he needed to present his story.
The Jupiter Experiment will allow you to share in his portrayal of the "world beyond," a world neither heaven nor hell, but another level of struggle and rejoicing in the drive for spiritual growth. It tells of a love between a discarnate spirit, Scott, and the incarnate Eve. In her nocturnal astral journeying, she continues her relationship with Scott in the many incarnations he has had over the aeons. Their love is so sublime that even her deep love for her mortal family cannot erase the memory of it. The lovers yearn for a union denied them by the separateness of the worlds they each inhabit.
The drama of Scott and Eve is played out against a much larger one. The "Planning Group" on the astral plane has designated Eve as the bearer of a child who will incarnate one of the most developed souls of that plane; therefore, she must remain incarnate.
You may read
The Jupiter Experiment as a novel or as a true story describing an experiment now being conducted on the astral plane. Either way, you will be deeply moved by the bittersweet resolution of the beautiful, but difficult, relationship at the heart of this unusual tale. For an amazing read, get
The Jupiter Experiment.