Come down the Paternoster Passage, cross the church's yard, and knock on the doors of Master Whittington's Almshouse. Master Pecock, a man of the cloth and the greatest detective of 15th century London, will answer your call.
Just as he answers Dick Colop's call. The mother of young Colop's friend has slipped, fallen, and died. But something doesn't feel right about it. There's a strange uneasiness creeping at the back of Colop's mind.
And then there was the matter of the candle.
It was in the kitchen. A burned down stub of a candle. It had rolled under a table. And left a thick splattering of wax on the floor a foot or so away.
That was enough. Master Pecock was on the scent. The scent of lies. The scent of wrongs. The scent of murder.
"Frazer's graceful prose transports the reader to a medieval England made vivid and a world of emotions as familiar then as now." - Publisher's Weekly
"Frazer's powers of description are evocative. Her knowledge of the medieval broad. With a satisfying mystery, her books are to be savored." - Ricardian Register
"The period detail is lavish, and the characters are full-blooded." - Booked & Printed
"Exciting writing, colorful characters, and historical accuracy!" - St. Paul Pioneer Press
"Frazer is a rollicking good storyteller." - Detective as Historian
Twice nominated for the Edgar Award
Twice nominated for the Minnesota Book Award
A Romantic Times Top Pick.
(This novelette is one of the Bishop Pecock Tales.)