Kathy's hobby of putting on puppet shows for her kindergarten pupils pays off when she attracts the attention of good-looking Dick Armstrong, the latest addition to the art department at the TV station in Kathy's home town.
Together, they work up an act for the puppets and film it, hoping to attract the attention of a TV sponsor. The first prospect, the president of the Preston Biscuit Company, hems and haws but at last decides to take on the show for a short time. Enthusiastic at the success of her entry into television, Kathy's hopes are dashed when the Preston Biscuit Company is destroyed by fire and she and Dick lose their one and only sponsor. Station WNAC-TV offers, however, to continue the program on a sustaining basis and Kathy is also offered the job of scriptwriter.
Just as everything is running smoothly for Dick and Kathy, Kathy's ambitions begin to cause trouble. Reaching out for new worlds to conquer, Kathy seizes upon her introduction to smooth-talking Hal Thornton, an advertising man from New York, to storm the citadels of the TV field in the big city.
Kathy discovers, the hard way, that competition in New York City is vastly different from that in a small town. But she is unwilling to admit defeat and go back home.