Passing Marcel Proust- with 'World Records.' 'Longest Novel'- in the word count at this point with this book- Proust time was (1871–1922) 13 volume- 'la recherche du temps perdu,' the title translates to 'Remembrance of Things Past.' contains an estimated 9,609,000 characters (each letter counts as one character. Spaces are also counted, as one character each.) Proust word count is word count- 1,267,069, with book 46- 'Nevaeh Saga' - 'Hells Purgatory' I- Marcel Ray Duriez have passed in less than 5 years (Broke the Record of his word count- date of 7/24/2017,) passed by 956 words having in all at this point 1,268,025 words. Proust's page count was 4,215, My page count is at this point 7,274 and a true count of 6,703,272 auto summed with Excel, characters (each letter counts as one character. Spaces are also counted, as one character each.) Thus, in books to come after, I will note- when characters with spaces- surpass his documented record.----The couple embarks on a daring, fervently corporeal affair, she determines the CEO's secrets and explores her dark desires and lust for her. 'It was a yearning to burn.' The computers and robots have taken over the world, nobody needs to read any of that shit, or think. Everything is at our fingertips with cell phones, I pad's, and computers, without looking through old dusty pages, plus Its agents the law to think for yourself, and read any books.