The latest thriller in the bestselling Alice in Deadland series. In the bestselling Alice in Deadland series, we meet a fifteen-year-old girl called Alice living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland ravaged by undead Biters. Alice follows a bunny-eared Biter down a hole, triggering an adventure that forever changes her life and that of everyone in the Deadland. The true conspiracy behind The Rising which destroyed human civilization is revealed, and Alice discovers her destiny in defeating the dark forces behind it. But what was life like for Alice growing up in the Deadland? How did she first come face to face with Biters? How did she come to be such a skilled fighter? In a world full of violence and death, did she ever know friendship, and even love? This collection of stories answers all those questions and reveals to you the hitherto untold story of Alice in Deadland. BONUS FEAUTURE: Free extract from Chronicler of the Undead by Mainak Dhar