It might seem that, after so much hardship and suffering, luck finally smiled on Count de Bongrais. Charles V the Wise cleared his name and gave him back his family possessions under certain conditions. Unfortunately, it quickly turns out that total devotion to one's homeland comes at a high price. Theo must return to the forest to avoid being arrested again which could end tragically for him. This time it is much harder for him than before, because he feels responsible not only for his unruly brother, who loses the opportunity to live like a noble with him, but also for the nearly ten-year-old page he took with him from Paris. He decides not to give up. First of all, he wants to get his wife back, then continue the guerrilla struggle and, if possible, finally win the sympathy of his king. Meanwhile, the Black Knight, Edward Plantagenet, the eldest son of the King of England, unexpectedly changes the position in his case....