Maggie O'Malley is accustomed to living life on her own terms. Born of a proud Irish heritage, Maggie grew up with stories of her mother's struggles and hardships in traveling from her native Ireland to this brave new world across the Atlantic. Her mother's determination and strength gave her the courage to live her life free from many of the societal restraints of her day. Although her mother was eventually forced to work as a servant in order to ensure their survival, Maggie was not content to live under the roofs of the rich men and women who delegated housekeeping jobs out to members of poor immigrant families. Instead, she longed for the freedom and equality to be found out West, where the rules of polite society took a backseat to the practical demands for survival in the untamed wilderness. Intoxicated by the possibilities of a change in lifestyle, Maggie convinces her mother to join her in an arduous journey across the Colorado territory to the small min! ing town of Ouray. Maggie helps her mother set up a restaurant, but before long she sets her sights on a more ambitious line of work - that of a mule skinner. Maggie soon succeeds in securing herself a position in this unconventional line of work and quickly grows to cherish her adventurous treks up into the mountains. Then she meets Matthew, a rugged preacher who finds a place in her heart and causes her to reconsider issues of marriage and childrearing. Maggie must decide whether or not she can shoulder the responsibility of raising a family without compromising the life that she has already striven so hard to achieve. But will her desire for independence and adventure cause her to miss out on true love?