In this sequel to Imago Prophecy more than a century had passed since the Elves departed from the forest of Wyndwood to follow their exiled leader, Dahlon Treeborn. Establishing a new settlement in the heart of the Emerald Forest of Carcross, they live a peaceful existence. But with the Second Age of Peace, no longer decimated by on-going battles with those in Talibarr, the human population increases exponentially, pressing ever closer to their colony. Though the Elves live as one with nature, the same could not be said for the mortals. Compounding this situation was the constant presence of Elves sent forth by the Elf King of Wyndwood to keep watch over them. Though these fair Elves appointed to this task never raised arms to Dahlon and his people, their presence was unwelcome nonetheless. With mounting pressure to cut all ties with the Elves of Wyndwood, in an unprecedented move, Dahlon embarks on an extraordinary journey, leading his people east beyond the Iron Mountains into the uncharted lands of Orien; a mysterious country inhabited by an enigmatic race of human beings. Instead of finding a peaceful sanctuary, they become embroiled in a land immersed in political and religious upheaval, and entrenched in a war against a sadistic and powerful enemy the Elves had never before encountered.