This hilarious time-travel fantasy is about two sisters who are magically transported back to the 1968 Newport Pop Festival in Costa Mesa, California--an outdoor concert later described as “Orange County's Woodstock.” Both sisters had attended the festival when they were teenagers. In this book, Amy morphs into her thirteen-year-old self, wearing a mini-skirt and go-go boots; and her sister, Denise, turns into her pregnant eighteen-year-old self, wearing a homemade maternity blouse with peace symbols she'd made in red rick-rack bordering the hem. Once again, they hear bands such as The Byrds, The Grateful Dead, The Jefferson Airplane, and Steppenwolf. They hitch-hike back to their childhood home, see and talk to relatives who died years ago, and even run into younger versions of their husbands. In spite of all the fun they're having, they're plagued with the question, “How are we going to get back to 2014?”