This is a serial fantasy novel that will be released in regular installments. Watch for Book 2: Witch Twins Secrets coming soon.
The history of a curse is filled with bloody battles, bitter hatred, and dark secrets.
Through five generations, ghosts of war haunt the wise women. When the rebellion of Glenna ends, their curse sleeps bound in the Tunnels of the Dead, waiting for its chance to re-awaken the war between the wood people and Dalthwein clans. Claire, a wise woman born in the valley of the fae, unwittingly helps it escape imprisonment, while her twin sister Anna receives psychic glimpses of ancient secrets she must unravel. With her scribe teacher Rosalind, she also struggles to uncover the reasons behind Claire's strange behavior, ever escalating since the death of their guild mother, Grianne.
The Age of the Wise Women will cease if the curse does not end with Anna and Claire. Perhaps inheriting the mistakes of their ancestors and learning the truths of their identities will bring great suffering for these witch twins.
In Book 1: Witch Twins Born Claire begins to confess the truth to Anna, and Anna discovers her twin is having an affair with a woodman named Luthien.
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