Through all but recent recorded history, queer people were omitted from historical records much as women and people of color have been. So many people unheard, so many stories lost…
In this exciting collection you will find unforgettable stories that place lesbian and gay characters back into American history. Fourteen talented authors have represented events in the historical timeline from the 1600's Salem Witch Trials to 1970's hijacker DB Cooper. Many tales are entertaining, heartwarming, and positive, but a few are dark and tragic.
The editors hope that these stories remind readers, especially today's youth, that we deserve to have our place in the narrative of humankind.
***Authors in the Collection*** Christopher Hawthorne Moss, E.J. Kindred, Ethan Stone, Jane Cuthbertson, Jess Faraday, Jon Michaelsen, Judy M. Kerr, Kate McLachlan, Lee Lynch, Lori L. Lake, Nann Dunne, Patty Schramm, Sue Hardesty, and Victor J. Banis
Time's Rainbow: Writing Ourselves Back Into American History